Mod support is work in progress!


Today I want to share with you some progress on adding mod support in Sex Purgatory! This system will be available in Alpha 0.8.1 update, so stay tuned for the next update ๐Ÿ˜.

What is a mod?

The main purpose of the mods is to add custom content (items, buildings, entities, etc.) to the game or modify existing game behavior. In Sex Purgatory nearly all game content is stored in special data structures. The mods can access these structures and modify them to create more content.

What will be possible with mods in the future?

You will be able to:

  • create your own mods (duh),
  • add items like food or materials to the game,
  • add buildings,
  • add crafting recipes,
  • add new entities (like mobs from Minecraft ๐Ÿ˜Ž),
  • add obtainable special powers (fireball, teleportation, flying, etc.),
  • add custom sex animations and activities โค,
  • add your very own books like in-game mod guide,
  • and many, many more! Sky is the limit!


Here is what I've been testing: adding a simple item to the game. This barrel's model is stored in .glb file and its texture is from .png file. When mod's initialization code is running, the model and texture are combined, and the game data is expanded.

Mod details

You can view details of all currently loaded mods in the Main Menu or Pause Menu. Clicking on any mod tile will bring its details. I've also planned to add "catalog" for every in-mod content to easily compare sizes of the mods (e.g., "Mod X modified 21 items and 37 buildings", something like that ๐Ÿ˜‰).

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